martes, marzo 20, 2007

Video 4.7: Caso de éxito de Etica y responsabilidad social: Mentor Graphics

Caso de éxito de la Empresa Mentor Graphic. "Lo que es bueno para la gente y el entorno es bueno para la empresa" es parte de su éxito. ¿Cuál es la fórmula? ¿Apostar por la gente, apostar por la productividad o apostar por el bien mayor?

(The 2006 Oregon Ethics In Business Awards honored Mentor Graphics for their outstanding commitment to environmental sustainability and social responsibility, along with their superior ethical business practices.

The OEIB awards are presented by Samaritan Counseling Center, The Business Journal, Portland Downtown Rotary Club, the Willamette University MBA, and are supported by a wealth of sponsors.

Special thanks to the Wave One Group for producing this video.

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